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We're sorry that this product is sold out, but there are other 5473 models of sneakers in stock.
Cordura®: Is a fabric from polyamide fibers, which are extremely durable and strong. It's not called the indestructible fabric for no reason.
Suede: leather cut from the back, while the fibers remain on the surface, suede is less prone to damage than nubuck.
Textile: The textile upper of the sneakers is lightweight, breathable and comfortable, ideal for everyday wear and sports. It ensures air circulation, keeps feet fresh and adapts to their shape. Often complemented with synthetic or rubber details for durability and support.
Rubber: The rubber outsole provides excellent grip and durability on a variety of surfaces. Thanks to its elasticity, it absorbs shock, increasing comfort when walking or running.
The legacy, history and legend that created the whole culture around sneakers. adidas Originals has been dominating the field of men's fashion, sneakers and sportswear for decades. Why? Because behind the unceasing progress of the Originals lies proven quality, reliable materials and innovation dressed in the best of the past. Read on to find out why adidas Originals sneakers and shoe wear are so popular today and how they managed to dominate almost all men's footwear.
The history of adidas began in 1948. adidas sneakers are characterised by the legendary three stripes or trefoil in the case of adidas Originals - which is a segment of adidas that mainly produces vintage and retro shoes. Therefore, it is no coincidence that under the name men's sneakers adidas originals you will find, for example, the more than 50 years old adidas Superstar, popular adidas NMD or white or black variants of the adidas Stan Smith or Deerupt.
You can find adidas Originals shoes on our website in a wide variety of styles. After doing some browsing, you will find that they are suitable for any occasion. The only thing that matters is where you want to take your adidas shoes. In our offer, you will find adidas tennis shoes, adidas outdoor shoes and adidas skate shoes. And, of course, we mustn’t forget about comfortable slippers.
Men's sneakers and women's sneakers have always played a major role in streetwear and fashion overall. Therefore, take advantage of the carefully selected offer of all pairs of adidas Originals at Footshop and choose the one that’s just for you. Shop with us with total confidence.