We want more of them in fashion and especially in the world of sneakers. Women are missing there, so as part of this year’s International Women’s Day celebration, we are spreading this message to the world: this is the world for you; bring your worldview into it. At the same time, we want to make visible those already found in this world. We will introduce you to three girls from Footshop, and the first is a series of interviews with Domča, Lucka, and Eka.
Dominika Malovecká

What qualities of your fine female power do you use at work or in your projects outside Footshop?
I think it’s not just about women’s strength. It’s about the way we communicate between colleagues in Footshop and with your friends or family and the people I meet in general.
If I have to focus explicitly on the words that come to mind, they are tenderness, reliability, empathy, listening, finding solutions. Somehow I try to use it in my surroundings, but I would not consider it purely a woman’s strength. Each of us can find it in ourselves 🙂

What would Footshop be like without women? Can you even imagine it?
Hahaha, I imagined it for a moment … I guess I wouldn’t be in Footshop either, so Footshop would be a sadder company.
How do you perceive the position of women in street fashion? What do you think is their role?
Definitely more positive in recent years. Social networks have brought most types of fashion closer to most people. It is more open, more playful, the choice of brands and materials is vast, there are no limits to inspiration.
Lucie Zavřelová

What qualities of your fine female power do you use at work or in your projects outside Footshop?
I’m a link between developers and colleagues who need to solve a problem or make work easier. Empathy and instinct help me do the job well and get along with all my colleagues; thanks to this, I can understand the problem and effectively propose a solution. I hope that the guys developers on my team would agree that I sympathize with them when they get stuck on something, and I can quite empathize with their fight. Thanks to the fact that I don’t have a big ego (I think it’s also typical for women), I don’t hesitate to ask the developer to explain the technical problems. The boys are always willing to explain everything to me, which maybe because I’m a woman, but also because they are great and patient colleagues 🙂
What would Footshop be like without women? Can you even imagine it?
The idea is quite tricky. I think the feminine element is essential for balance. In my opinion, this would affect customers who communicate with our customer support the most. That’s where I think empathy is absolutely crucial and maybe not enough in a purely male team. But, paradoxically, in IT, I can probably imagine the best. Now we are in the team with Darča and Bára – there are three of us and about 25 men. Although I certainly do not want to underestimate our contribution, the difference would probably not be as noticeable as in other departments.

How do you perceive the position of women in street fashion? What do you think is their role?
We often wear men’s street fashion in smaller sizes. Streetwear is more of a boy’s business. I see an opportunity for women in business and clothing and sneaker design, styling, and inspiring each other.
Ekaterina Globa

What qualities of your fine female power do you use at work or in your projects outside Footshop?
Hmm… The first thing that came to my mind was perseverance. When women manage menstruation and its symptoms every month, they can handle everything. Even with an elevated temperature, they can continue to work thoroughly and fulfill their responsibilities. Of course, I don’t want to hurt the boys. But we all know the “rhyme,” temperature 37, they go to bed on the couch and pretend to be dying: D
Another quality is flexibility. Women can adapt to any situation. At the same time, a woman never uses flexibility only to her advantage. Women are resourceful. It is not a problem for us to find several different ways to solve a situation. Men are more like “straight to the point,” but we can read between the lines. Oh, and definitely multitasking. This is our natural state 🙂
What would Footshop be like without women? Can you even imagine it?
Boring? : D I think women are more proactive (?). They can’t sit in one place. You always have to invent, create, do, organize, etc. And Footshop wouldn’t be so cute if it didn’t have women in its team.
How do you perceive the position of women in street fashion? What do you think is their role?
I believe that women play a massive role in streetwear. Fashion has historically been used for cultural diplomacy and identity communication. Through celebrities, influencers, artists, and other talents, the presence of women in streetwear has become much more pronounced, and brands have begun to adapt to the ever-growing interest of women.
Personally, I believe that the more women gain recognition for their efforts, the more women are recognized as equals, which sets the agenda for a streetwear scene where there is no strictly men’s or women’s clothing. I think that women have become more relevant in general in all areas and, therefore, fashion. However, many things still need to be done in this regard, and I respect all women who achieve success and power by being themselves. Being a woman is incredibly interesting now. We are at a time when we are aware of the changes that the generation that came before us has undergone and the possible changes in the future generation.

- The women of Footshop – Bojana, Adriana, Yana (3/3) - 18. 3. 2022
- The women of Footshop: Soňa, Lucka, Nina (2/3) - 16. 3. 2022
- Women of Footshop: Dominika, Eka, Lucie - 9. 3. 2022