Tokyo’s own Bedwin & The Heartbreakers, founded by Masafumi “Bebeton” Watanabe, join forces with Californian legend Vans to produce a collection filled not only with the currently popular bandana motif, but also models that have been around since 1966. So let’s take a closer look at the new Vans x Bedwin & The Heartbreakers collection.
You might have already come into contact with Bedwin & The Heartbreakers, especially if you’re interested in Japanese streetwear brands. It emerged onto the scene in 2004, when it combined Japanese design with western fashion. At the same time, it was one of the first Japanese brands to combine streetwear and tailor-made mens clothing. The brand’s name stood strong, and if you’re passing by Tokyo, go check out their store – it’s also a community center, just like Footshop.
Bedwin & The Heartbreakers’ connection with the western world was only solidified by their latest collaboration with Californian brand Vans – to be more specific, their premium division, Vault by Vans. It’s another collaboration that shakes the foundations of what defines “streetwear”, breaking the barriers of creativity and self-expression.
The bandanas used in the collection were made and cut in the USA in various seams. This lifts up the details and the craft itself, but more importantly, makes every pair unique. At Footshop, you can find the OG Authentic LX model in three different colorways, which you can combine with accessories like a bucket hat with the same motif.
You should also pay attention to the OG Old Skool LX model – Vans’ first silhouette with the iconic Sidestripe, now in a new blue canvas and denim coat. The bandana motif, which carries the whole collection, is featured on the Sidestripe and on the tongue of the sneakers.