If you spend some time around fashion, sneakers or Footshop, you will find that streetwear has many forms. For this reason, together with lifestyle brands Reebok and adidas, we’re launching a new platform, Trends. Here you can find current trends that you can use for inspiration before you buy anything.
The new Trends category is available in the navigation bar on our web and for now contains 4 current significant trends – Nude, Active Minimalist, 90’s Nostalgia and Urban Alpinist. Each of them has its own ambassador, who represents it. You can look forward to content with the ambassadors soon. In the meantime, I will introduce you to the individual trends.
The right combination of a thousand shades of one colour doesn’t happen on it’s own, but when successfully put together… The Nude trend is as simple as it sounds. A neutral look in achromatic colours simply fits everyone, especially if they choose simple cuts.

The last decade of the previous century is a vague memory for most of us, but fortunately, there are movies, magazines, and music videos to remind us of this era. It is dominated by intense colors, wild patterns, or animal motifs.

“In the city streets, you remind yourself of the beautiful world outside all week with a fleece jacket and an iconic color combination, which proudly represents the 70’s for everyone to see. On Friday, you finally take your car and go somewhere in the countryside. Autumn, mountains and a small campfire, while you’re in bliss, perfectly matching your surroundings.” Do you recognize yourself in that? If yes, then you perfectly fit one of the four current trends.

Technical materials, endless combinations, timeless cuts and shades of gray. Minimalism is mainly about simplicity, so you don’t have to face hours of looking at your wardrobe, searching for the wildest combinations. Simply choose some sneakers, throw on some pants with a good cut and then fine-tune anything else. Still in need of inspiration? Check out Slovak rapper Pil C’s Instagram, where you’ll definitely get it.