Earlier this year, Rebook re-released the Aztrek silhouette, which first released in the 90’s and quickly became one of their key models. Since then, you could buy them in countless color combinations and even on a raised platform – the Reebok Aztrek Doubles, which you can now buy in an exclusive customised version with Swarowski stones, designed by influencers from our three key market areas.

by Cinthya Dictator

Hungary’s custom Aztreks are designed by Cinthya Dictator. You can check her design out in our Budapest store.

How would you describe yourself in one to two sentences?

I’m into photography and media design, but I’m more of an image artist. My personality and my body are my tools.

What inspired your color combination?

I’m a 90’s kid, so the colors I chose are inspired by my childhood.

Where would you go in these Aztreks?

I’d probably wear them to any kind of occasion. They make every outfit unique.

by NotSoFunnyAny

If you stop by our Vnitroblock store, you can buy a customized pair of Reebok Aztrek Doubles designed by youtuber and make-up artist NotSoFunnyAny.

How would you describe yourself in one to two sentences?

I’d describe myself as an ordinary but crazy girl with big dreams!

What inspired you when you were deciding on a color combination?

I picked the colors so they would fit me as a person – so naturally, there’s pink in there too.

Where would you go in these Aztreks?

Anywhere – but mainly somewhere with a beautiful sunset or a party, because the stones would twinkle nicely.

by Naty Kerny

The Slovakian color combination was designed by Naty Kerny – you can get it at our store in Bratislava.

How would you describe yourself in one to two sentences?

I’m an ever hungry Libra, I’m everything you  can imagine, and I balance it out with the exact opposite. I myself don’t know how I’m going to wake up in the morning.

What inspiried your color combination?

Since the first moment I knew I’d use my favorite colors that symbolise summer.

Where would you go in these Aztreks?

Definitely to a rap concert!

by Footshop Crew

Last but not least, you can get a pair designed by the Footshop Crew. Naturally, our inspiration came from our brand and our logo, which utilises a black and orange color combination. You can get this pair at any of our stores. And where would we take them? To any of our Footshop events of course.

How do you get your pair of custom Aztreks?

  1. Go to your local Footshop store.
  2. Buy a pair of Reebok Aztrek Doubles.
  3. Give them to our shop assistants, who will send them to get customized.
  4. You can pick them up in a couple of days!

Footshop is an ever-changing medium that connects cultures, sub-cultures, groups, and individuals into one big family whose shared interest is their love for sneakers.