“After spending 8 hours working out of bed, instead of turning on Netflix, I’m giving you five tips on how to create the 2.0 version of you.” Does this ring a bell? It’s what I said exactly a week ago, when I was writing my first post for this series. But during the weekend, my will got weaker and before I knew it, I was back on Netflix. We all know the struggle of picking a movie. Allegedly, it takes 18 minutes on average to pick one, but here’s a couple movies from my List you can choose from to skip that.

Lil Peep: Everybody’s Everything x Travis Scott: Mom I Can Fly

Last year, two documentaries about big names from the music industry came out. For me personally, the Lil Peep one was much better – personally, I wouldn’t recommend the one about Travis and instead let him mature for the genre a little bit. But because I have a specific view on these documentaries, you should take a look at both and compare them for yourself.

The Circle

There honestly isn’t a more convenient reality show to watch during the quarantine then The Circle, which draws some similarities with our current situation. A group of individuals each closed in their room, communicating with each other solely through a social network. Don’t get put off by the trailer and the first episode, it hurt me too. But when you start to get into it, you realize that The Circle is a genius reality show, especially if you love social networks. There’s even a Brazilian and French edition on Netflix too, which should be a bit more temperamental.


A psychological horror inspired by the same-titled book, starring Natalie Portman takes you to a mysterious ecosystem that appears on Earth. Not a single person that went in to explore it came back (unexpectedly). The movie is magical, outlandish and otherworldly. There’s a lot of symbolism in the movie and I recommend seeing it at least twice to notice everything.

Princess Mononoke

I first saw this Japanese anime about the mythical conflict between an expanding civilization and animal gods when I was about five. The only thing I remembered from it was the white pig with the worms coming out of it. I completely forgot about the movie for another fifteen years and re-discovered it. This 1997 story has a strong message that’s still relevant today.

The Ritual

I saw this British Netflix-produced film a while ago and it immediately ranked among my top horror movies. The Ritual transports you to the Swedish plains and forests, where it may be beautiful, but… “If the shortcut was a shortcut, it wouldn’t be called a shortcut, it would be called a route.”

You can find all of these movies on Netflix, and if you’re not in the mood for that, you can check out the other posts for different tips.