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People either love or hate autumn – there’s no in between. One half enjoys the drizzly weather, pulls out their favorite hoodies and watches nature get ready for winter. The other half falls into an „autumn depression“ and is completely devoid of energy. If you fall into the second category, you should focus on one thing that’ll help you survive this autumn – breakfast.

It’s said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you find yourself lacking energy during this damp season, check out some of the recipes prepared by GymBeam. They’re easy, taste nice and they’re healthy, so you don’t have to worry about them getting stored in unwanted places.

Chickpea blondies with raspberries and chocolate

This fitness recipe is ideal for you if you have five alarms set for every morning and still end up turning them all off. Also, it’s very easy, even if you’ve never held a cooking spoon in your entire life. You just need a couple of ingredients and an oven. Bake it in the evening and bring them to work the next day to enjoy with your morning coffee.


  • 300g of canned chickpeas
  • 100g of raspberries
  • 70g of peanut butter
  • 25g of Just Whey protein powder (vanilla ice cream flavor)
  • 50ml of maple syrup
  • 40g of dark chocolate
  • 1 tsp of baking powder
  • ½ tsp of cinnamon


Mix everything except the raspberries and chocolate with a blender. If it’s too stiff, add a bit of water. Finely chop the chocolate up and, along with the raspberries, mix it into the dough. Place into a pan or tray lined with baking paper and smooth the top out. Bake at 180° C for about 25 minutes. Take the blondies out of the oven and let them cool off.

Protein waffles

If you’re a fan of Vans’ waffle soles, you’ll like these banana protein waffles. They’re best served fresh, so you should probably save them up for a lazy Sunday morning.

Ingredients (for 1 portion):

  • 1 banana
  • 35g of Just Whey protein powder
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp of coconut or almond flour
  • a sprinkle of baking powder
  • a sprinkle of cinnamon


Mash the banana up in a bowl and combine with the rest of the ingredients (the order isn’t important). Use a ladle to pour the mixture into a waffle iron and bake for about 5 minutes. If you don’t have a non-stick waffle iron, use a bit of coconut butter before pouring the mixture in. Serve with yoghurt, fruit, nuts or zero sauces.

French toast made from 4+2 ingredients

You can enjoy this breakfast à la française even if you’re vegetarian or vegan – no eggs were hurt during the making of this recipe.


  • 4 slices of wholemeal toast bread
  • 1 measuring cup of the vanilla Just Whey protein powder
  • 80 ml of milk (regular or coconut/almond/oat/soy, whatever)
  • 1 ripe banana

To decorate:

Cherry & chocolate smoothie

Picture this scenario: it’s Monday morning. You’re still recovering from the weekend. You’ll either spend the day buried under emails from Friday, deadlines, or you have to be at school by 7 AM. A proper breakfast is way out of your options. The solution? A smoothie – you can drink it anywhere, anytime and with anything.


  • 80g of cherries
  • 10g of the chocolate milkshake flavored Just Whey protein powder
  • 1 banana
  • 200ml of milk


Mix up the milk, cherries, banana and protein powder in a blender. For a even better taste you can add 2 teaspoons of our powdered peanut butter.

pictures via GymBeam

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