Everyone has some kind of streetwear style, commonly featuring accessories such as distinctly patterned socks or fanny packs. Another commonly seen accessory is a cap. And do you know a better cap-making brand then New Era?
Today, the brand is the exclusive supplier of hats not only for the MLB, but also the NHL or the NBA. But the brand’s hats are also worn by people all around the world, many of which haven’t seen a single game. They became a stable trend – you’ll surely remember when you’d see the iconic 9Forty New York Yankees cap in its many colorways every time you went out.
New Era’s popularity is still at a high, and to show you, we’ve prepared an editorial to get you inspired on how to combine New Era hats with other pieces.

Photographer/ Adam Křena
Styling/ Ondřej Šenkeřík
Assistant of photographer/ Kristína Rezniková
Postproduktion/ Lucia Kuklišová
Model/ Babs (New Aliens Agency)
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