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How do modern art and ecology go together? Effortlessly, thanks to special paints. A large-scale painting that can clean the surrounding air similarly to a forest will be created in Prague and Budapest. The mural, designed by the artist David Strauzz, appeared in the second week of April in Holešovice and second mural was completed in Budapest recently.

Footshop and Nike’s joint campaign We Share The Same Future aims to highlight the alarming levels of pollution across the planet. As is customary with these brands, they always find an original way to draw attention to the issue. This will be supported by the large-scale art painting, the so-called mural art, that will be created in several European cities. The one in Prague is on displayed on the Tesla Building that was painted by David Strauzz for 5 days. Another mural from Footshop’s production, overseen by The Goods – Creative Co., is situated in Budapest. The mural will fight pollution on a very frequented street for six months.

Nyersanyag – Ficsor Zsolt & Nonkovics Róbert
Final cut – Krokovay Ábel
Crew – Colorfools

Up to 130 kilograms of a unique ecological paint Airlite from Italy, made from 100% minerals, was used for the 350 m2 painting in Prague and 64 m2 in Budapest. The paint works on the principle of photocatalysis. The contact between the paint and sunlight energy leads to the chemical decomposition of harmful substances, which are then transformed into safe salt molecules.

Overall, the mural can absorb up to 88% nitrogen oxides, eliminate VOCs (volatile organic compounds), and leave no room for mold or overheating of the building. Essentially, 100 m2 of the mural achieves a similar effect as a large area of a forest. Therefore, this technique is perfect for city centers, where there’s not enough space to plant a forest.

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