Free yourself for a moment from Instagram and the photos you see there. Retouched stretch marks, wasp waists, abdominal muscles that resemble freshly baked buns, or behinds, earned with thousands of squats. These are the ideals of beauty that are served to us in pixel form every day. But the reality is in the people you see on the street everyday. The Converse Shapes collection is here for them. For pears, for apples, for all shapes.

Converse launched their new product line Shapes this year, which follows a simple motto: “Clothing does not define us, we define clothing.” The first gender-free collections are neither for women or for men. They are simply for everyone. With their simple, timeless cuts, they respond not only to our gender, but also to the shapes of our bodies.


Few of us can say we fit off the rack sizing well. Men know this very well, as they often have to have suits sewn exactly to measure. Women, in turn, are grouped together according to their body shape. In this world, the body does not exist as a body, but as an apple, a triangle, a square or an hourglass. These shapes are how things are, and fitness centres can do nothing about it. Converse Shapes responds to this issue with its simple timeless cuts.


A novelty with this product line is the size chart, which has not been seen before. Instead of ready-made numbers and capital-letters, we have 4 options available, all tailor-made. Gender was not the inspiration for this intelligent sizing. It was the proportional universality of different body types. Thus, for example, one Converse Shapes size can fit two people even though one might be a head taller.