The most important day of the school year isn’t the one where you get your final report or when you graduate. It’s the first day, when you return and spend the next ten months in a room with the same people. Because the way they remember you from the first day of school is the way they’ll remember you for the rest of the year. Get inspired by the Footshop crew, who, although they’ve already finished their studies, would pass the first day with flying colors.

the Rap Nalgene bottle (15 euro) should be your sustainable must-have

The holidays aren’t just about Sundays on a Monday, festivals and vacations, but also about part time jobs and side hustles. As we suspect your bank account is full and you’re mentally preparing for the upcoming school year, now’s the right time to take a look at the Footshop crew’sBack to School selection.


Social Media Specialist


Special Product & Releases Coordinator


Product Management


SEO Consultant

What was school like?

For most of the people at Footshop, school is a thing of the past. Of course you’ll find people among us that work part time or are internists and volunteers, but by now school is mostly just a distant memory. Lijana and Martin will tell you about their studying days and how it prepared them for working at Footshop.


SEO Consultant

“I’m in the last year of getting my master’s degree at VŠE, where my main specialization is information management. An important change for me was my secondary specialization – online marketing, through which I got to where I’m at now. I like IT and its connection to SEO, through which I found out what I enjoy. The biggest benefit for me was being able to go abroad, where I got a lot of experience in web design and web optimalization, which I can use in my job at Footshop.”


“I studied graphical and spatial design in high school in Bratislava, where, apart from learning how to work with graphics programs, I adopted habits I utilise in my work on Instagram. It’s an unspoken rule that studying at an art school is a wild experience. This was quite a change, because in elementary school I was in a mathematics class and I thought I would take more of an intellectual path later on, but that’s just the way it is. If I had to choose, I definitely wouldn’t change anything.”

Social Media Specialist / Instagram

Inspire us

Shouw us your best outfit you would wear on the first day of school.

We’ll reward the three best outfits with a voucher and an EASTPAK backpack – follow us on Instagram for more information.


all pics taken by Peter „Kovkou“ Kováč

Footshop is an ever-changing medium that connects cultures, sub-cultures, groups, and individuals into one big family whose shared interest is their love for sneakers.